Traduire les mots (syllabique)

Tapez le mot cri qui y correspond

when we (but not you) burn her/him

when we (you and I) burn her/him

when s/he burns you [plural]

when s/he burns us (you and me)

when s/he burns us (but not you)

when you [plural] burn her/him

when s/he approaches us (but not you)

when you [plural] approach her/him

when we (but not you) approach her/him

when we (you and I) approach her/him

when s/he approaches you [plural]

when s/he approaches us (you and me)

when we (but not you) bring her/him

when we (you and I) bring her/him

when s/he brings you [plural]

when s/he bring us (you and me)

when s/he brings us (but not you)

when you [plural] bring her/him

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