VAI 11 ᔒᐦᑭᒋᐤ shiihkichiu, ᓂᑭᒨ nikimuu, ᓃᐴ niipuu (2p,21p,1p)
Apprenons à conjuguer des verbes animés intransitifs, conjugaison 11 au pluriel: ᒥᔑᑳᐤ, mishikaau, ᓵᐲᐤ saapiiu.
Voir: VAI, radical en aa long, radical en ii long, 11.
Étudiez (et répétez) ces mots
ᐋᐦ ᔒᐦᑭᒋᔮᒄ vai
aah shiihkichiyaakw
when you [plural] are cold
short i [shiihkichiu] [11] [2p]
ᐋᐦ ᔒᐦᑭᒋᔨᐦᒄ vai
aah shiihkichiyihkw
when we (you and I) are cold
short i [shiihkichiu] [11] [21p]
ᐋᐦ ᔒᐦᑭᒋᔮᐦᒡ vai
aah shiihkichiyaahch
when we (but not you) are cold
short i [shiihkichiu] [11] [1p]
ᐋᐦ ᓂᑭᒧᔮᒄ vai
aah nikimuyaakw
when you [plural] are singing
short u [nikimuu] [11] [2p]
ᐋᐦ ᓂᑭᒧᔨᐦᒄ vai
aah nikimuyihkw
when we (you and I) are singing
short u [nikimuu] [11] [21p]
ᐋᐦ ᓂᑭᒧᔮᐦᒡ vai
aah nikimuyaahch
when we (but not you) are singing
short u [nikimuu] [11] [1p]
ᐋᐦ ᓃᐳᐎᔮᒄ vai
aah niipuwiyaakw
when you [plural] are standing
wi [niipuu] [11] [2p]
ᐋᐦ ᓃᐳᐎᔨᐦᒄ vai
aah niipuwiyihkw
when we (you and I) are standing
wi [niipuu] [11] [21p]
ᐋᐦ ᓃᐳᐎᔮᐦᒡ vai
aah niipuwiyaahch
when we (but not you) are standing
wi [niipuu] [11] [1p]