Recognize all words

Listen, then click the corresponding word

This activity uses words and letters from previous lessons

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ᒋᓄᓲ chinusuu

ᐃᔅᑴᐤ iskweu

ᑳᐦᑳᒎ kaahkaachuu

ᑲᐹᐤ kapaau

ᓂᑐᐦᒋᑲᓐ nituhchikan

ᐲᓯᒻ piisim

ᓲᐳᔮᑲᓐ suupuyaakan

ᐆᒉᐤ uucheu

ᔦᑳᐤ yekaau

ᔫᑎᓐ yuutin

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