Match written translations (roman)

Match the Cree text with its translation

aah wiimaahusk

when s/he goes around you

aah miskiwich

when they find me

aah wiimaahuk

when I go around her/him

aah miskaask

when s/he finds you

aah wiimaahusch

when they go around you

aah wiimaahut

when s/he goes around me

aah wiimaahukwaau

when I go around them

aah miskaasch

when they find you

aah wiimaahutwaau

when you go around them

aah miskiwik

when I find her/him

aah miskiwikwaau

when I find them

aah wiimaahuch

when they go around me

aah miskiwit

when s/he finds me

aah miskiwitwaau

when you find them

aah wiimaahut

when you go around her/him

aah miskiwit

when you find her/him

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