Match written translations (syllabics)

Match the Cree text with its translation

ᐋᐦ ᒥᔅᑳᑎᑯᒡ

when I find you [plural]

ᐋᐦ ᐹᔒᔨᓐ

when you bring me

ᐋᐦ ᓈᑎᑖᐦᒡ

when we (but not you) approach you [singular or plural]

ᐋᐦ ᓈᔑᔮᒄ

when you [plural] approach me

ᐋᐦ ᓈᑎᑎᑯᒡ

when I approach you [plural]

ᐋᐦ ᐃᔅᒀᓱᔨᓐ

when you burn me

ᐋᐦ ᐹᔒᑖᐦᒡ

when we (but not you) bring you [singular or plural]

ᐋᐦ ᒥᔅᑳᑖᐦᒡ

when we (but not you) find you [singular or plural]

ᐋᐦ ᐃᔅᒀᓱᔮᒄ

when you [plural] burn me

ᐋᐦ ᐹᔒᔮᐦᒡ

when you [singular or plural] bring us (but not you)

ᐋᐦ ᒥᔅᑭᐎᔨᓐ

when you find me

ᐋᐦ ᐹᔒᑎᑯᒡ

when I bring you [plural]

ᐋᐦ ᐃᔅᒀᓱᑖᐦᒡ

when we (but not you) burn you [singular or plural]

ᐋᐦ ᐹᔒᔮᒄ

when you [plural] bring me

ᐋᐦ ᒥᔅᑭᐎᔮᒄ

when you [plural] find me

ᐋᐦ ᐃᔅᒀᓱᔮᐦᒡ

when you [singular or plural] burn us (but not you)

ᐋᐦ ᓈᔑᔮᐦᒡ

when you [singular or plural] approach us (but not you)

ᐋᐦ ᒥᔅᑭᐎᔮᐦᒡ

when you [singular or plural] find us (but not you)

ᐋᐦ ᓈᑎᑖᓐ

when I approach you

ᐋᐦ ᐹᔒᑖᓐ

when I bring you

ᐋᐦ ᐃᔅᒀᓱᑎᑯᒡ

when I burn you [plural]

ᐋᐦ ᒥᔅᑳᑖᓐ

when I find you

ᐋᐦ ᓈᔑᔨᓐ

when you approach me

ᐋᐦ ᐃᔅᒀᓱᑖᓐ

when I burn you

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