VTA 11 ᐙᐱᐦᑎᔮᐤ waapihtiyaau (passive)
Learn to conjugate ᐙᐱᐦᑎᔮᐤ waapihtiyaau "s/he shows it to him/her" in Conjugation 11 in the passive.
See: VTA, m/n/p/w/y stems, 11.
Study these words
ᐋᐦ ᐙᐱᐦᑎᔨᑯᐎᔨᓐ vta
aah waapihtiyikuwiyin
when you are shown
m/n/p/w/y [waapihtiyaau] [11] [X→2][P]
ᐋᐦ ᐙᐱᐦᑎᔨᑯᐎᔮᓐ vta
aah waapihtiyikuwiyaan
when I am shown
m/n/p/w/y [waapihtiyaau] [11] [X→1][P]
ᐋᐦ ᐙᐱᐦᑎᔨᑯᐎᔮᒄ vta
aah waapihtiyikuwiyaakw
when you [plural] are shown
m/n/p/w/y [waapihtiyaau] [11] [X→2p][P]
ᐋᐦ ᐙᐱᐦᑎᔨᑯᐎᔨᐦᒄ vta
aah waapihtiyikuwiyihkw
when we (you and I) are shown
m/n/p/w/y [waapihtiyaau] [11] [X→21p][P]
ᐋᐦ ᐙᐱᐦᑎᔨᑯᐎᔮᐦᒡ vta
aah waapihtiyikuwiyaahch
when we (but not you) are shown
m/n/p/w/y [waapihtiyaau] [11] [X→1p][P]
ᐋᐦ ᐙᐱᐦᑎᔮᑭᓂᐎᑦ vta
aah waapihtiyaakiniwit
when s/he is shown
m/n/p/w/y [waapihtiyaau] [11] [X→3][P]
ᐋᐦ ᐙᐱᐦᑎᔮᑭᓂᐎᒡ vta
aah waapihtiyaakiniwich
when they are shown
m/n/p/w/y [waapihtiyaau] [11] [X→3p][P]
ᐋᐦ ᐙᐱᐦᑎᔮᑭᓂᐎᔨᒡᐦ vta
aah waapihtiyaakiniwiyichh
when s/he or they [obviative] are shown
m/n/p/w/y [waapihtiyaau] [11] [X→4][P]